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Practice Social Distancing – fun facts of Mobo Cruiser

After a year of COVID-19 restrictions, your child is probably feeling cooped up inside. Especially as spring approaches, the urge to go outside with friends might be strong.

But how can kids have fun while also staying safe during a pandemic?

With Mobo Cruiser’s line of innovative bikes and trikes, kids can practice social distancing and have a blast! There’s nothing more thrilling than a cruise, and it’s easy to maintain distance between bikes.

Plus, there are so many health benefits to cycling! Not only does it build muscle and endurance, but it also improves lung health. If your child has been struggling with stress or anxiety, bike riding can relieve it.

So, what kind of bike is best for your little one? Well, toddlers still reaching their milestones will love the Mobo Wobo 2-IN-1 Rocking Baby Balance Bike. Or, try an exciting three-wheeled cruiser, like the Mobo Mity Sport! If your child is ready for their first bike, consider the Mobo Explorer Balance Bike.

No matter which one you select for your child, you can’t go wrong!

Mobo Wobo 2-IN-1 Rocking Baby Balance Bike

For kids between 1 - 3 years old, the Mobo Wobo 2-IN-1 is a new way to reach the important developmental milestones: rock, walk, ride. It grows with your child, too!

As a rocker, toddlers strengthen their coordination and balance skills. Once they’re ready to walk, the Mobo Wobo transforms into a walker to keep them steady. Finally, when your child is ready to ride, they can get their start with this unique first bike experience.

Mobo Mity Sport

The Mobo Mity Sport is an exciting way to enter the world of bike riding! This recumbent trike is both comfortable and safe for children aged 3 - 5 years old.

Recumbent trikes are perfect for kids learning how to ride because there is a low risk of falling, so they’ll stay safe. Your toddler will refine their motor skills and improve hand-eye coordination while enjoying a cruise! The rear-wheel steering system is easy to control, too.

Mobo Explorer Balance Bike

If your child is ready to learn how to ride a bike, get them started on the Mobo Explorer Balance Bike! It’s the best way for kids aged 2 - 6 to start learning how to balance and trust the bicycle.

The Mobo Explorer is a thrilling way for little ones to get comfortable with riding. They can relax and enjoy the experience with the security of their feet touching the ground. Equipped with extra padding and a cushioned seat, they’ll stay safe while cruising.

Help Your Child Ride Safely

Here at Mobo Cruiser, we have many bicycles and tricycles that make learning how to ride a bike fun. Plus, bike riding offers a fantastic way for kids to get some exercise while maintaining social distancing guidelines. Your little one will enjoy an exciting ride while staying safe!

With stylish rides for toddlers, kids, and adults, everyone can safely exercise the fun way with Mobo. Check out our innovative collection of fun bikes and trikes, and start cruising!