February 1 Is National Get Up Day
Did you know that February 1 is a day of perseverance? It's true – it's
National Get Up Day! It's a day to remember to always pick yourself up after falling. As the saying goes, "If at first, you don't succeed, try and try again."
Parents can take this day as an opportunity to instill perseverance and inspiration in their children. One of the best ways to do so is by teaching a kid how to ride a bike. This skill can be challenging for many little ones to grasp at first, but they must be reminded to keep going.
If you’re looking for the best starter bicycles for your child to learn on, look no further than a
Mobo Cruiser Bike. We have innovative designs and features on all our bikes. Kids will be protected with our safety pads and stay motivated to keep trying when things get hard.
Mobo Explorer Balance Bike
Mobo Explorer Balance Bike is the perfect starter bike for kids aged 2 - 6. Your child can start learning with their feet on the ground. Small steps will lead to their first ride! Extra padding and a cushioned seat ensure your child is always safe.
As kids learn how to ride, they will learn to trust the bicycle and become comfortable. This balance bike will inspire your little one to have bike riding learned in no time!
Mobo First 14-Inch Bike
With the
Mobo First 14-Inch Bike, parents can trust that their children are learning how to ride on an expertly designed starter bicycle. Perfect for ages 3 - 5, this pedal bike is safe and fun.
The removable training wheels provide stability to prevent falling over. Equipped with coaster breaks, the Mobo First is a breeze to stop. Encourage your child to reach the milestone of learning how to ride a bike. This pedal bike will inspire kids to achieve.
Mobo Lite 16-Inch Bike
On the
Mobo Lite 16-Inch Bike, your child will look stylish while safely learning how to ride. Suitable for kids aged 4 - 6, this bicycle was engineered to be extra lightweight. Built-in coaster brakes allow for easy stopping.
This training bicycle comes equipped with removable training wheels. With the trendy design and fun to be had, your kid will be eager to learn on the Mobo Lite. It’s easy to persevere and keep trying while you’re having so much fun!
Persevere With Mobo
Inspiring children to persevere is no easy task. With the
right starter bike, it’s much easier. Falling down is a big part of learning how to ride a bike. What’s important is that your kiddo also learns to get back up and keep trying.
If your child is ready to start learning how to ride a bike, then check out our unique collection of
bicycles and tricycles for children. You’re sure to find one that they'll love to learn on!