The Heart Behind the Mobo Brand

My upbringing has played an important role in where I’m at today and how I relate to business. I began working in a factory in Taiwan at the age of 8. I saw my parents working extremely hard to build a better future and a better (non-rat infested) environment for their children. I learned quickly that hard work and smart work are the essential ingredients of success. Many years later, these values have paid off in my business life and my personal life.
I came to America as a young teenager who knew only a dozen or so English words. Working hard and working smart, I quickly mastered the English language, finished high school and completed my college receiving a BS degree in Business Administration. I later returned to school and achieved an MBA, my crowning educational achievement, from the USC Marshall School of Business.
Prior to the MBA program, I followed my dream and established a business, Asa Products, Inc. Being a female and minority entrepreneur was difficult, but my mantra has been and always will be, "Dream big and never give up!" With hard work and determination, Asa continues to grow and, now, I am delighted about the positive impact that Asa, through the Mobo brand, has had on families and youth. Here, my vision is to develop the most stylish and innovative products for the active lifestyle community and every product is designed to improve the lives of our customers and make them smile. Now, nothing makes me more happy than to share the success story of my business to inspire others and to help them succeed.
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