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2021 JCUAA Entrepreneurship Lecture

On June 6, 2021, the Joint Chinese University Alumni Association (JCUAA) of Southern California held its 2021 Entrepreneurship Lecture. The theme of this year's seminar was "Stories of Successful Entrepreneurship to Realize Childhood Dreams Without Forgetting the Original Heart."

Two speakers were invited to share their stores during this event — myself and Jason Ray, founder of Suntek Global. I hold my MBA from USC, so I felt honored and excited to have the opportunity to speak during the seminar.

Sharing My Story of Persistence

Today, I am the founder and president of Asa Products (Mobo Cruiser) and of Beautiful Glow Spa. Between the two vastly different industries, I have built a successful reputation and career for myself.

But it wasn’t always this way. During the JCUAA lecture, I shared my journey that started when I was only 8 years old. I helped my parents work in their factory in Taiwan. Even then, though, I knew I wanted to start my own business.

During the seminar, I expressed that my childhood aspirations helped drive my entrepreneurial spirit. Growing up in Taiwan, I had always wished to have a bicycle, but my wish never came true. So, as an adult, I decided to give children everywhere the chance to experience the joy of riding a bike! That is how Asa Products began.

I also recalled working in my parents' factory as a young girl and feeling so oily. This feeling inspired me to dive into a new industry with Beautiful Glow Spa. I wanted to bring beauty and confidence to women, so that's what I did.

The Important Elements of Business

During my session at the JCUAA seminar, I shared the four elements every entrepreneur needs to develop a business. I like to think of them as the four P’s: Purpose, Passion, Persistence, and Partnership.

They all connect, too. One’s passion and persistence should help fuel their purpose, and several kinds of partners are essential for a smooth start.

I also went on to name the important elements associated with product success. They’re the five P’s: Products, Patents, Profitability, Pivot, and Positioning. Like the four P’s, these also work together to ensure a business’s success.

By sharing my story with the lecture’s audience, I hope to have inspired some young entrepreneurs. It’s possible to make your childhood dreams come true and to achieve success in more than one industry. You just need to believe in your ideas and remain persistent to turn them into reality.