The Mobo Wobo is a 2-in-1 Rocking Baby Balance Bike for 1-3 year olds (infant to toddler). Our unique baby balance bike helps children reach their 3 major milestones: rock, walk, and ride.
The rocking feature of the Mobo Wobo teaches your child early stage coordination between hands, arms, legs, and feet. While they are using the Mobo Wobo baby rocking and walk bike, your child will build strength, balance, and confidence.
As your child grows, the Mobo Wobo grows with them! With its innovative base, the Mobo Wobo can quickly convert back and forth between a rocking toy and riding toy allowing your child to learn to ride without the need for a new toy. The riding trike teaches your child how to walk and ride. An adjustable cushioned seat and handlebar allow your child to keep the fun going as they grow. A sturdy metal frame, high quality bearings, rubber light up wheels, and multiple safety pads ensure a smooth and safe ride.
When attached, the carefully designed rocking base allows an exciting rocking motion while maintaining stability. Give your child their first unforgettable bike experience with the Mobo Wobo 2-in-1 Rocking Baby Balance Bike.